Delivering Hope

Welcome to my newest blog. In the coming days, weeks and months I hope to lay out some of the details I believe are important in the current stage of our nation building in Canada.

I think we have an important role to play in the wider world where our kind of hopeful optimism and our practical problem solving abilities are much needed and in short supply.

Core Principles

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why It Matters - Chapter Eight

For me Delivering Hope is not some futuristic fantasy or a platform of false political promises. I deliver hope to people every single day. Often it's one person at a time, and sometimes it's groups or clusters of people.

This Hope is real and effective and lasting. It helps people to see that there is a way to address the current crisis without fear. It emboldens them to do the work they can do to help achieve the goals of this Agenda. It strengthens them for the work and gives them courage to go forward as part of a bigger enterprise.

I tell people that this is a perilous and difficult route through a very dangerous set of circumstances. But I add that if we succeed they will talk of this and of us for a thousand years. I don't know if Canada will remain intact for that long. But what we did and who we were shall live as a sign of hope to countless generations to come.

I know this can succeed because I have seen it succeeding in the hearts of my fellow Canadians for years now. And there is no hint that it will stop anytime soon. This movement is gaining momentum and attention.  

Canadians are seeing that they can make a difference and help shape a hopeful future for our children.  We CAN do this together.  I'm constantly surrounded by amazing Canadians who ARE doing it already - doing things I could never have imagined.  We simply need the others to join us.

This is a Crisis of historic magnitude and global proportions.  But the Math tells me that we CAN do this.   When confronted with this reality one of my friend's asked that ancient question, “If not us then who? If not now then when?”  

If we do not do it no one will.  According to my estimates no one else can do it.  It's up to us - here - now.  I have no doubt about our ability and I continue to urge our collective Will and willingness forward in the face of risky odds.  But there are no other options.  We must go forward and solve the 'Problem' together.

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