Delivering Hope

Welcome to my newest blog. In the coming days, weeks and months I hope to lay out some of the details I believe are important in the current stage of our nation building in Canada.

I think we have an important role to play in the wider world where our kind of hopeful optimism and our practical problem solving abilities are much needed and in short supply.

Core Principles

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The 'Problem' - Chapter Three

If we are to have any hope for addressing this “crisis” successfully then we will have to examine and know the nature of the problem. This can lead to solutions.
Several of the world's largest and most powerful economies have based their financial futures on the manufacture and production of the materials of war.
They build, sell and deploy weapons and weapons systems, arms and munitions, assault vehicles for land, air, sea and even space, vast administrative and personnel infrastructures and the materials to meet the needs of what often amounts to millions of service people. This is the core driver in some economies.
This dependence upon war as a main driver of the global economy is VERY risky at this juncture in human “evolution”. We now possess weapons that can annihilate modern civilization in a day along with all of the human creatures who presently live in conflict with one another.
If people believe that they must wage war in order to eat and care for their families, they will likely do so. If they can be persuaded that the opposite is in fact true then we have some Hope. I want people to see that war is NOT a Sustainable practice.
Surprisingly people have proven able to make this shift in thinking and lifestyle. We can choose peace and abandon war. As democratic people we only have the power of persuasion to get the cooperation of others who presently disagree with us. Violence is not an option at this juncture in history [AHA].

Recently I visited a friend whose grandsons were also visiting. The youngest of the two was six years old and dressed in his soccer club uniform. He was a bright young man.
As we waited for his grand-dad he looked up at me asked, “So what do you do?” Mildly surprised and amused I replied, “Well I work a lot for children.”
What do you do for them?” he continued.
“It's hard to describe but let's try this. Do you know that there are wars all over the world and that those wars could reach us here in Canada and hurt us?” “Yes.” he responded solemnly, nodding his little head.
Impressed by his keen sensibilities I continued. “And do you know that there is a worldwide environmental disaster developing which is causing global warming and lots of other problems?” “I sure do!” he told me gravely.
I try to work with the Prime Minister and the government to change all of that so kids can have a hopeful and happy future.” “Cool!” said the little man in the soccer suit.
"But what's that that you said?" he asked. "What's what?" "What's the Plimeister and gurvmet?" "You mean the Prime Minister and government?" "Yeah."
"Don't you know what those are?" "Nope!" "Don't worry - those are not important right now. We can change things together." He nodded firmly with his confidence bolstered as he smiled brightly and hopefully.
He DIDN'T even know who those people or groups were! Yet he understood the nature of the "Problem" better than Mr. Harper and his Caucus.
In that Moment I realized that a big part of our current political dilemma in Canada is that our children see and understand the nature of the “problem” and the magnitude of the challenge this presents us with.
But our Prime Minister and the Conservative Government do not see it and consequently they cannot comfort this generation who demand real solutions - solutions that respect science and math.
They are in real need of comfort also. This is a frightening scenario that has been forced upon them and it's the backdrop for their lives. It's NOT very comfortable for them at all.
We have educated these young people and trained them in our cultural and political values. So they care about war and peace and the environment and justice and that sort of thing. They are wonderful! :) When I put out my energies to serve them and their long term interests I only feel proud to be associated with such amazing human beings. Wow!
Sadly our current federal administration does not see Canada as I do. They want to build jails for these young people rather than schools and houses. They want to punish the victims of 'life in our culture' rather than help them make a new life and find new hope and opportunities.
Mr. Harper's regime seems to want “justice...cold, raw, unfeeling retribution...but only for others and not for themselves". They say this is their Christian duty. My Canada must include compassion with justice.
Underlying most political conflicts and tensions there is usually a theological point of some sort. People 'believe” things and then make policy to make those beliefs relevant in daily life.
This makes sense at some level. The trouble occurs when the theological methods that underlay doctrines and ideologies are false or faulty or lacking in excellence.
One glaring example that finds it's way into Christian theology in a deeply disturbing way [I say this as a Christian] is the notion of the "righteous" or “just” war. One must ignore the New Testament altogether in order to rationalize war and violence. War is not a Christian practice according to the Christian Bible. 
At the same time in history, in governance, in real life there is a principle that governs the decision to go to war in a democracy...and it's not economic ambition.  "War is the last stage of diplomacy."
In any case war has been no deterrent for people who desire violence above anything. They seem to feed on violence unless persuaded to do otherwise - to change and abandon violence in favour of Reason and Peace. This warring and destruction is a failure of love, both human and divine.
Peace Pays...more and better than war. Do the Math.

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