Delivering Hope

Welcome to my newest blog. In the coming days, weeks and months I hope to lay out some of the details I believe are important in the current stage of our nation building in Canada.

I think we have an important role to play in the wider world where our kind of hopeful optimism and our practical problem solving abilities are much needed and in short supply.

Core Principles

Monday, August 29, 2011

Delivering Hope - Chapter One

“Community is the opposite of rich and poor.”

I spend all day long every day delivering real Hope to Canadians who are in despair over the Crisis we face in this age. It's a complex crisis and therefore not easily unraveled and solved. But Canadians have been diligently seeking perspective and have collectively created many of the tools we need for survival.

The whole world needs these tools and solutions. I have done an inventory of some of these solutions and have included them in the essay set Building The Canadian Dream which is a free download on my blog. Thousands and thousands have already downloaded this material since it was published there eight years ago.

We had more than two thousand downloads during the last federal election and two thousand more during the proroguing of Parliament with a constant trickle of downloads in between. People are seeking hope and solutions and finding it in this material, along with inspiration and common ground for unified action.We got almost thirty thousand hits in one month alone.

My goal is to provide sufficient inspiration and motivation to draw together thirty-four million Canadians. I want to provoke them to act in a unified way in order to save themselves and nurture a new global hope based upon our own Canadian lifestyle and values. I see this as a possible beginning of a Golden Age of Canadian Culture.

Of course this will require intense diligent work in order to Build this Dream. And we MUST build it. We cannot sit back and watch it grow. I can promise you hard work that stretches into a possibly distant but hopeful future. This is better by far than hopelessness, despair and capitulation to the Crisis and those forces which are driving it.

This blogbook is intended to enlarge the circle of care and confidence and to increase faith in the Canadian Dream and People. We need to believe in ourselves. Let me put it another way. You need to believe in yourselves the way I believe in you. I have great faith and confidence in the Canadian people and I have a deep and abiding love for our people and this nation with it's beautiful diversity.

I believe in you and want to work with you to democratically build the Dream that I see just beyond the horizon. We need only reach out and grasp the handle and then move forward like a plowman in the field.

Straight rows will follow this kind of work and good harvest will follow that. We will sew seeds of hope and harvest a crop of human goodwill, cooperation and choices.

Presently Canada is lacking that thing that is necessary for success in any enterprise or organization. We lack an appropriate and compelling Vision to guide our Federal Government, People and Nation in its diversity.

The federal government is doing their level best but they lack the perspective and vision that permits the hopeful results. I offer and promise real tangible and measurable Hope to those who are willing to work and devote themselves to Survival and Success for Canada and Canadians.

The real key to our challenge is Imagination. The creative imagination will enable us to share this vision with each other and then to realize make it real in time and space. Some are already doing so and they are seeking helpers. Thirty-four million Canadian helpers and collaborators will be exactly enough to help save the world from self-destruction according to may calculations. :) We ARE good enough and big enough and suited in every way.

Therefore we need all Canadians from all places and with all political associations or none whatsoever to move together. You don't have to be political to be part of this Great Undertaking - this Great Adventure. You just have to be willing, no matter what your condition, education, background, education or location.

There is room for ALL Canadians in this great enterprise. This Plan is for you and we share ownership of this Vision. We can build a hopeful future together and quickly.

If we can successfully build this Dream then our work shall be remembered for a thousand years. I cannot promise and do not believe that Canada will survive as a separate entity for a thousand years. But we WILL be remembered for our good will and good ideas: good culture that can counteract violence, division, war, poverty and promote unity among people and among nations.

Peace Pays!


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