Delivering Hope

Welcome to my newest blog. In the coming days, weeks and months I hope to lay out some of the details I believe are important in the current stage of our nation building in Canada.

I think we have an important role to play in the wider world where our kind of hopeful optimism and our practical problem solving abilities are much needed and in short supply.

Core Principles

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Core Principles in the Wealthy Society

If we hope to strengthen Canada and provide leadership to help the world evolve in the 21st Century then Canada and Canadians will have to make some practical adjustments to our collective lifestyle.

I believe that there are a few Core Principles that we must embrace if we hope to Survive and Succeed in the coming hundred years.

1 - The First Principle is - Sustainability in all things.

We need to make all of our decisions and actions Sustainable in the larger sense of contributing to the ongoing life of humanity on Planet Earth and the restoration of the Earth's eco-system.

To conserve and be economical on a micro level is by far the best in policy and action. My Dad said, "If you look after your pennies then your dollars will look after themselves." Small acts of environmentalism add up quickly.

We need new mechanisms that permit us to achieve this easily, quickly and inexpensively. Wealth will come as a by-product of responsible action - with good and meritorious associations attached - Environmental Virtue.

This is actually a simple problem. If we destroy and use up everything then there will be nothing left.

2 - The Second Principle is - Success with Less.

We have to learn to do far more with far less. Many already do it and it's easy to learn. Once learned it eases the pangs of conscience that accompany waste and haste to destroy in the modern economy of disrespect for the Earth and People.

3 - The Third Principle is - Justice with Compassion.

We badly need to act Justly towards others and in keeping with our own national and personal Core Values as Canadians - Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Equality under Law, Open Democratic Society.

Our national character also requires that we be compassionate - Justice WITH Compassion.

In the Wealthy Society of the 21st Century Canada will flourish and lead if we embrace these simple Principles for responsible global citizenship.

All Canadians can help with this new challenge that confronts us as a nation - one act of peaceful generosity @ a time. Together we CAN overcome The Crisis.

Canada first. Then the world


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