Delivering Hope

Welcome to my newest blog. In the coming days, weeks and months I hope to lay out some of the details I believe are important in the current stage of our nation building in Canada.

I think we have an important role to play in the wider world where our kind of hopeful optimism and our practical problem solving abilities are much needed and in short supply.

Core Principles

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blind Man Sees - Chapter Ten

There is a strange irony in my life and in my story. I seem to be able to see things that others do not - like political and social situations. Yet at one time not so long ago I was completely blind as a result of fast growing cataracts.

My eyesight was surgically restored under the coverage of medicare. I am grateful to my nation and people for this amazing gift and I get up every morning to prove my gratitude by working for Canada and Canadians.

Beside this I have a life that would be the envy of people o f all ages and all places. I have the awesome resources of Canada at my disposal as a citizen. I have more than over ninety percent of all people whoever lived on Planet Earth – more and better education, culture, social helps like medicine and public security, food, freedom, money and on and on. I am Wealthy by virtue of being Canadian.

With my eyesight restored I have sought to do everything in my power to promote Canada. I strive to further the purposes and guard the safety of Nation and People and the Ideas that make us unique and important.

We can and do serve the world without needing to dominate it. Yet we do not accept the domination of others. Rather we seek good relations and cooperation among nations for mutual benefits. This is my core purpose.

About Me – Why Am I Doing This? - Chapter Nine

Politics has been part of my life since my earliest recollections. I was about three or four years old when my Dad started talking to me in earnest about this topic. I recall that he pulled a slender blue book from his shelf and introduced me to Hansard - The Proceedings of the House of Commons in Ottawa. He would sit and read it at length and began reading it to me from this very young age.

Howard seemed to sense that I had a vocation in this area and he nurtured it effectively in spite of my youth and the disinterest of others. He told me the democratic histories and shared the democratic values with me. He described our democratic institutions to me and told me that all people should cherish one thing above all things – Liberty.

He prompted me regularly throughout my childhood to read books that enhanced my understanding of politics and especially democratic methods of self-government. He stressed that literacy was critical for Liberty in modern societies.

So he taught me to read and write and recommended many good books to me – from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich when I was ten to the Iliad and Odyssey the next year, as well as Webster's Dictionary and an encyclopedia set. He helped me to join the public library and then set me loose to read almost the entire collection in that small isolated northern Ontario community.

Howard stood up for my Liberty and Rights when I was a child and really had none in Law. He employed the Principles of democracy and his physical and intellectual prowess to convince 'educators' and others that they should not bully me. I was an energetic child but I was also a little delicate and vulnerable and quite sensitive, so he protected me with his prizefighter's love.

I had almost been killed when I took a giant tumble off of an outcrop near my home and Howard found me injured and ran to the hospital with me in his arms to save my life. He had watched another of his children die and seemed in no mood to go through that again. His children were precious to him, though we often did not realize how much. This injury affected everything in my life until the present.

I do this work because I have an inexplicable fondness for and love of humanity. This is an odd part of my personality that I value. I do it because I have gifts and abilities that permit me to do it. I do it because there is a compelling need.

I do it because I see practical solutions while others often only see a wall of frightening facts. I do it because no one else seems able to do it. I do it because I like the people I do it with.

Why It Matters - Chapter Eight

For me Delivering Hope is not some futuristic fantasy or a platform of false political promises. I deliver hope to people every single day. Often it's one person at a time, and sometimes it's groups or clusters of people.

This Hope is real and effective and lasting. It helps people to see that there is a way to address the current crisis without fear. It emboldens them to do the work they can do to help achieve the goals of this Agenda. It strengthens them for the work and gives them courage to go forward as part of a bigger enterprise.

I tell people that this is a perilous and difficult route through a very dangerous set of circumstances. But I add that if we succeed they will talk of this and of us for a thousand years. I don't know if Canada will remain intact for that long. But what we did and who we were shall live as a sign of hope to countless generations to come.

I know this can succeed because I have seen it succeeding in the hearts of my fellow Canadians for years now. And there is no hint that it will stop anytime soon. This movement is gaining momentum and attention.  

Canadians are seeing that they can make a difference and help shape a hopeful future for our children.  We CAN do this together.  I'm constantly surrounded by amazing Canadians who ARE doing it already - doing things I could never have imagined.  We simply need the others to join us.

This is a Crisis of historic magnitude and global proportions.  But the Math tells me that we CAN do this.   When confronted with this reality one of my friend's asked that ancient question, “If not us then who? If not now then when?”  

If we do not do it no one will.  According to my estimates no one else can do it.  It's up to us - here - now.  I have no doubt about our ability and I continue to urge our collective Will and willingness forward in the face of risky odds.  But there are no other options.  We must go forward and solve the 'Problem' together.

How to do it Democratically - Chapter Seven

There are several democratic routes we can take to the destination towards which we must press. I always choose the honest, fair, legal and sanctioned methods. So democratic methods are my only set of tools. The main tool is persuasion.

If people can be shown that there is hope and how to get from this awkward situation in which we have confined ourselves and into that hopeful and sustainable future they are likely to decide to embrace it for their own various self interests. So I am sharing the vision of how to get there with others at this point. 

I propose the use of our traditional federal political system with its parties. I have engaged these parties in discourse about these challenges and I have involved myself in one of them as I was advised by the Right Honourable Pierre Trudeau. 

I have used and do use legitimate and conventional methods that are transparent and public. There is nothing secretive or deceptive in any of this agenda I have been promoting to the Canadian people.

In fact I GOT this agenda from them. It's Canadian through and through and is placed solidly in a Canadian historic context and with Canadian values and perspectives. 
I am now urging all Canadians who want to be part of the Solution to join the Liberal Party of Canada. We will transform it into OUR party...the Liberal party of Canadians. With it we can and will govern ourselves in the manner we want and deserve, with respect for humanity, for the earth, for our children. 

If we can double the membership of the Liberal Party then those who are authorized to make decisions in the party will see and respect, because they want to dislodge this government and govern in a Liberal way. 

We need to add at least seventy thousand members of people at least fourteen years old at no cost to join. If we increase the Liberal Party membership by one hundred thousand it is the beginning of a movement to transform Canada.  

If you're fourteen or older you can help choose and elect the next Prime Minister of Canada by electing the next Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada - 'The Party of Canadians for Canadians'.   Go here and sign up as a Supporter -

My Harper said that when he's finished with Canada you won't recognize it. This is because he's trying to make it look like George Bush's America. And he's succeeding as you can see by looking at this blog post - What Stephen Harper Hates about Canada and Canadians. 

I say that when I'm finished with Canada you WILL recognize it. It will be that place you have dreamed about individually and collectively and have described in this nations public discourse over the past several years – on television, on CPAC, in books, magazines, on the radio, in schools of all kinds and everywhere we go.  I was listening with great interest and have communicated with many Canadians about the issues that move you.

Timetables & Motivations - Urgency - Chapter Six

I seem to have been born with an extraordinary capacity to do calculations and to estimate probability with incisive accuracy. Along with this I have a gift for strategic thinking and action which can transform situations of all kinds. I always do these things using democratic methods out of respect for all involved. I'm democratically minded. This is how I serve my Community. 

However I am not driven by ideology. Rather I do mathematical analysis and trust the math. For example I look at the evolution of war-ism in western culture. War has become the bedrock and cornerstone of some modern economies, driven by corporate values that only seek profit with no concern for sustainability or human health and safety. 
As already outlined they earn profits by war because they manufacture arms, munitions, weapon systems of all kinds and the other resources for waging war. But it becomes quickly obvious that this is not a sustainable practice. War will result in general destruction of most people. Children know this and can see the threat.

Add to this the rapid degradation of the environment that is associated with this warring lifestyle. People must rape and pillage all of the earth's resources rapidly in order to maintain profit curves and GDP performances. It's a mad circle of destruction, all driven by some clever economics models. 
I conclude from this that we need a new model if we hope to survive and want to succeed. Desire will drive our decision making processes and future behaviour. If we don't care enough to change and adapt then we will destroy ourselves. But this is an unjust legacy to drop on our children's shoulders and those of all potential future generations.

The oceans are being destroyed and compromised, as are all fresh water sources and resources, the air, the earth, everything is being polluted and made unsuitable for human health and safety. We can and should turn this around immediately and deliver Hope to our chidlren and to all of the world. It can begin here in Canada. 

We should do our part and provide leadership and example to others who do not enjoy our opportunities or possess resources like ours. They need our help and we cannot survive without their help. We need to explore the Common Ground.

This is NOT the legacy we want to leave for our children - a world of fear and filth and futility. We want them to have Hope.

We can do more than keep and publish statistics about species that are newly extinct or about the destruction of the oceans and the air and the soil.  We can and should act to reverse these frightening trends and facts.  As a natoin with a focused and unified public and political Will we can according to the Math.

"Together we are strong!"

Solutions - Chapter Five

The key element in a viable program of solutions must be Sustainability. We need “Sustainability in all things.”

We also need to learn how to do far more with far less. "Success with less."

We need to learn to share...fairly...and to act justly and kindly towards our neighbours. "Justice with Compassion."

We need to clean up the Earth - water, air and soil. Example

We have been blessed with a peaceful society and we need to share that lifestyle with others so we can all be safer. We can teach peace or study war. The choice is ours.

Embrace and promote an appropriate and compelling Vision for the Nation.

"Don't keep the peace...pass it on."

Peace and Sustainability or Death - Chapter Four

If we extrapolate the current growth rates of militarism worldwide and we calculate the cumulative harm being done to the Earth's environment and life sustaining capabilities, then it becomes apparent that we are faced with a very awkward set of prospects - scary Math.

There appears little or no hope of surviving if we humans continue to pursue these ends with these means. Destruction seems the only result under these conditions. Add to this the fact that the factor of harm grows in speed and complexity with every passing year.

It all looks pretty scary to the young television audiences and the Internet users and all who have information about this growing threat.

I propose that we test another strategy, a different approach which I will call scientific for now. Science attempts to get at truth and we need lots of truth if we are to succeed and survive.

While ideologies and visions of despair pronounce our doom, Science and Math point a way through the Storm to a hopeful future.


