Delivering Hope

Welcome to my newest blog. In the coming days, weeks and months I hope to lay out some of the details I believe are important in the current stage of our nation building in Canada.

I think we have an important role to play in the wider world where our kind of hopeful optimism and our practical problem solving abilities are much needed and in short supply.

Core Principles

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Introduction - Delivering Hope - The Narrative

Scary prospects

All media sources in Canada deliver a daily bombardment of one message to our children. They say, “You are doomed and there is no way for you to escape the consequences of growing militarism worldwide and an environmental crisis that has permanently affected the weather systems and conditions of the entire Earth. These things are coming to get you and you cannot escape.”

Television, radio, Internet, all news sources, songs, poetry, essays, books, movies, documentaries, newspapers, magazines – they all agree that there is no hope and no escape from the impending Doom they describe.

Summary – the dominant narrative in the data flow is “there is no hope” 

Educators in our schools tell the same grim story while requiring our children to be calm and responsible and quiet. But these are remarkable children and they believe correctly that they can help develop and implement solutions that can stave off this doomsday Vision.

These young people generally have little knowledge of history and therefore cannot know that humanity has tottered on the brink of self destruction numerous times. At those times people of ability and goodwill have appeared to help sort out the crises. All they hear is that there is no real hope.

Young people have a facility with new technologies that their parents can never achieve and these technologies are essential for the transition to a new futuristic human culture that implements “Sustainability in all things.” We need to implement new media and Internet technologies and let our children teach us how to use them effectively.

Media pundits do not do the Math and conclude that this is the case – that we are DOOMED! But fortunately we have forced our children to attend schools where they are required to learn to read and listen and calculate with Maths and Sciences.

They do the Math and realize that they are in deep trouble and their powers of Reason tell them that that no grownups seem to be doing anything seriously effective to address this Global Crisis. They see that this Crisis is unprecedented and of historic proportions.

They take in the daily dominant social narrative and they are in despair for the grown-up population seems to see no real need to envision a hopeful and lasting future. The grown-ups only seek to further compromise the environment and intensify their economic dependence upon militarism.

There is no hope in any of this for a generation of young people. I offer something different and something realistic and achievable. I offer to empower young people so they can have a hand in finding and implementing solutions.

Little children understand ALL of this. But our governments do not yet grasp the magnitude of the challenge and the injustice being perpetrated against children in the midst of all of this. Neither does our Prime Minister understand the nature of the challenge and so he ignores the need for urgent solutions.

Children are stripped of their human and civil rights in Canada and have no real humanity under law. This is causing widespread social problems which are being blamed on young people and addressed with punishment and further abuse.

At the same time someone has observed that, “This is the first generation in human history when parents must turn to their children in order to learn the skills necessary for survival.”

Teachers and schools must also seek instruction from and involvement of these children in retooling our schools to meet the needs of the 21st Century.

Summary – children have the abilities needed to deal with these challenges in their early adaptation to digital technologies

Modern and relevant public education is critical for our survival and success. The revolution in public education is already underway and our systems will soon be fitted to serve our needs. This is already happening along with many other components of this Plan which have been launched in the course of the last five or six years. This is further cause for us to be hopeful.

My own perspective is different from the one we get from the Data Flow. I believe that there is a way through this Crisis and through the fire to a place of peace and hope and health and survival and success for Canada and Canadians of all ages.

It is this perspective that I want to share and enlarge upon for Canadians and I want to be a part of the team that oversees the introduction of the solutions we need...and we need them promptly as the Crisis grows when it is not shrinking.

I know that we can help shape the world into a place that is sustainable and that we can turn back some of the critical damage that has been done to the Earth's Eco-system. We can also sow seeds of peace like no other nation ever has. We invented international peace keeping and are known for our peaceful society and culture.

I can see a safe way forward to a hopeful future and I want to share that vision with all Canadians and help implement it in all sectors of our nation and society. In fact I have been sharing this national vision with thousands of Canadians for over five years now and more embrace it every day.

Summary - There is a safe way through this Crisis

The Vision has already begun to take form and substance and is gaining in momentum as people feel the hope that it delivers. This Hope changes their life and their perspective and provides inspiration and direction and clarity for many.

Once people see what I'm getting at then their own creative imagination begins to act and make pieces of the new world we must build – The Canadian Dream. Some of those people have urged me to write this book so we can share this Hope with all Canadians.

I know that we can use our democratic methods, values, institutions and processes to meet and serve the needs of Canadians first - and then all of humanity as we reach out with the tools needed to resuscitate the human family and renew our civilization. In this way there can be a renewed hope for the People and meaningful goals that carry us two hundred years into the future.

So I want to share my story with you and my perspective so you can also have Hope and share it with your family, friends, neighbours, communities, governments, people of other nations and those who struggle in our midst here in Canada.

My plan and purpose is to deliver Hope to all Canadians and then to persuade them to share that hope effectively with all people everywhere as quickly and efficiently as we are able.

This seems to be the only way we can survive and succeed – by regarding all people as our family and fellow citizens and by persuading them to adopt the methods we have tested and found effective in Canada – Canadian Culture.

Summary - Justice with Compassion will help us to survive and succeed in the 21st Century.

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