Practical steps for Survival and Success in the 21st Century
Delivering Hope
I think we have an important role to play in the wider world where our kind of hopeful optimism and our practical problem solving abilities are much needed and in short supply.
Core Principles
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Blind Man Sees - Chapter Ten
About Me – Why Am I Doing This? - Chapter Nine
So he taught me to read and write and recommended many good books to me – from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich when I was ten to the Iliad and Odyssey the next year, as well as Webster's Dictionary and an encyclopedia set. He helped me to join the public library and then set me loose to read almost the entire collection in that small isolated northern Ontario community.
Why It Matters - Chapter Eight
Canadians are seeing that they can make a difference and help shape a hopeful future for our children. We CAN do this together. I'm constantly surrounded by amazing Canadians who ARE doing it already - doing things I could never have imagined. We simply need the others to join us.
If we do not do it no one will. According to my estimates no one else can do it. It's up to us - here - now. I have no doubt about our ability and I continue to urge our collective Will and willingness forward in the face of risky odds. But there are no other options. We must go forward and solve the 'Problem' together.
How to do it Democratically - Chapter Seven
If people can be shown that there is hope and how to get from this awkward situation in which we have confined ourselves and into that hopeful and sustainable future they are likely to decide to embrace it for their own various self interests. So I am sharing the vision of how to get there with others at this point.
In fact I GOT this agenda from them. It's Canadian through and through and is placed solidly in a Canadian historic context and with Canadian values and perspectives.
If you're fourteen or older you can help choose and elect the next Prime Minister of Canada by electing the next Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada - 'The Party of Canadians for Canadians'. Go here and sign up as a Supporter -
My Harper said that when he's finished with Canada you won't recognize it. This is because he's trying to make it look like George Bush's America. And he's succeeding as you can see by looking at this blog post - What Stephen Harper Hates about Canada and Canadians.
I say that when I'm finished with Canada you WILL recognize it. It will be that place you have dreamed about individually and collectively and have described in this nations public discourse over the past several years – on television, on CPAC, in books, magazines, on the radio, in schools of all kinds and everywhere we go. I was listening with great interest and have communicated with many Canadians about the issues that move you.
Timetables & Motivations - Urgency - Chapter Six
This is NOT the legacy we want to leave for our children - a world of fear and filth and futility. We want them to have Hope.
"Together we are strong!"
Solutions - Chapter Five
We also need to learn how to do far more with far less. "Success with less."
We need to learn to share...fairly...and to act justly and kindly towards our neighbours. "Justice with Compassion."
We need to clean up the Earth - water, air and soil. Example
We have been blessed with a peaceful society and we need to share that lifestyle with others so we can all be safer. We can teach peace or study war. The choice is ours.
Peace and Sustainability or Death - Chapter Four
If we extrapolate the current growth rates of militarism worldwide and we calculate the cumulative harm being done to the Earth's environment and life sustaining capabilities, then it becomes apparent that we are faced with a very awkward set of prospects - scary Math.
There appears little or no hope of surviving if we humans continue to pursue these ends with these means. Destruction seems the only result under these conditions. Add to this the fact that the factor of harm grows in speed and complexity with every passing year.
It all looks pretty scary to the young television audiences and the Internet users and all who have information about this growing threat.
I propose that we test another strategy, a different approach which I will call scientific for now. Science attempts to get at truth and we need lots of truth if we are to succeed and survive.
While ideologies and visions of despair pronounce our doom, Science and Math point a way through the Storm to a hopeful future.
The 'Problem' - Chapter Three
Surprisingly people have proven able to make this shift in thinking and lifestyle. We can choose peace and abandon war. As democratic people we only have the power of persuasion to get the cooperation of others who presently disagree with us. Violence is not an option at this juncture in history [AHA].
Crossroads in History - Chapter Two
Humanity has found themselves at awkward and dangerous crossroads numerous times throughout history. Here are a few examples.
In the 4th Century the Roman Empire collapsed and the entire western world [Europe] was thrown into chaos and uncertainty. Then one guy emerged with one good idea. It only takes one. Saint Augustine dreamed The City of God and in so doing provided a vision that lasted over a thousand year.
Then as this vision was losing momentum and relevance in the 16th Century a young and penniless priest, monk and biblical scholar in Germany named Martin Luther provided a new vision. This vision was related to the one held by his colleague and contemporary John Calvin in Switzerland.
These two enabled the Reformation and the Enlightenment. This was the period we call The Reformation - because EVERYTHING was reconsidered and retooled.
John Knox was a Scottish minister who served as a rowing slave in a Spanish ship for eighteen months. After getting out of that unhappy situation he went to Geneva in Switzerland to meet and study with Calvin.
After this he returned to Scotland and ignited The Scottish Reformation which transformed Scotland from a place where “drunken men brawled with swords in the streets” to one which provided intellectual, cultural and every kind of leadership for humanity and provided the model and core ideas for the survival and success of the western world and beyond. That transformation took thirty years.
In England Knox's Presbyterianism was transformed into Puritanism. Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans transformed England with a revolution, the execution of a king [Charles 1] and the introduction of Parliamentary representation [democracy - government of the People by the People] as a replacement for monarchical rule - dictatorship.
The king was replaced by representatives of the people. This demonstrated the power of “an appropriate and compelling idea” - the power of Vision to transform the world.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Delivering Hope - Chapter One
“Community is the opposite of rich and poor.”
I spend all day long every day delivering real Hope to Canadians who are in despair over the Crisis we face in this age. It's a complex crisis and therefore not easily unraveled and solved. But Canadians have been diligently seeking perspective and have collectively created many of the tools we need for survival.
The whole world needs these tools and solutions. I have done an inventory of some of these solutions and have included them in the essay set Building The Canadian Dream which is a free download on my blog. Thousands and thousands have already downloaded this material since it was published there eight years ago.
We had more than two thousand downloads during the last federal election and two thousand more during the proroguing of Parliament with a constant trickle of downloads in between. People are seeking hope and solutions and finding it in this material, along with inspiration and common ground for unified action.We got almost thirty thousand hits in one month alone.
My goal is to provide sufficient inspiration and motivation to draw together thirty-four million Canadians. I want to provoke them to act in a unified way in order to save themselves and nurture a new global hope based upon our own Canadian lifestyle and values. I see this as a possible beginning of a Golden Age of Canadian Culture.
Of course this will require intense diligent work in order to Build this Dream. And we MUST build it. We cannot sit back and watch it grow. I can promise you hard work that stretches into a possibly distant but hopeful future. This is better by far than hopelessness, despair and capitulation to the Crisis and those forces which are driving it.
This blogbook is intended to enlarge the circle of care and confidence and to increase faith in the Canadian Dream and People. We need to believe in ourselves. Let me put it another way. You need to believe in yourselves the way I believe in you. I have great faith and confidence in the Canadian people and I have a deep and abiding love for our people and this nation with it's beautiful diversity.
I believe in you and want to work with you to democratically build the Dream that I see just beyond the horizon. We need only reach out and grasp the handle and then move forward like a plowman in the field.
Straight rows will follow this kind of work and good harvest will follow that. We will sew seeds of hope and harvest a crop of human goodwill, cooperation and choices.
Presently Canada is lacking that thing that is necessary for success in any enterprise or organization. We lack an appropriate and compelling Vision to guide our Federal Government, People and Nation in its diversity.
The federal government is doing their level best but they lack the perspective and vision that permits the hopeful results. I offer and promise real tangible and measurable Hope to those who are willing to work and devote themselves to Survival and Success for Canada and Canadians.
The real key to our challenge is Imagination. The creative imagination will enable us to share this vision with each other and then to realize make it real in time and space. Some are already doing so and they are seeking helpers. Thirty-four million Canadian helpers and collaborators will be exactly enough to help save the world from self-destruction according to may calculations. :) We ARE good enough and big enough and suited in every way.
Therefore we need all Canadians from all places and with all political associations or none whatsoever to move together. You don't have to be political to be part of this Great Undertaking - this Great Adventure. You just have to be willing, no matter what your condition, education, background, education or location.
There is room for ALL Canadians in this great enterprise. This Plan is for you and we share ownership of this Vision. We can build a hopeful future together and quickly.
If we can successfully build this Dream then our work shall be remembered for a thousand years. I cannot promise and do not believe that Canada will survive as a separate entity for a thousand years. But we WILL be remembered for our good will and good ideas: good culture that can counteract violence, division, war, poverty and promote unity among people and among nations.
Peace Pays!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Introduction - Delivering Hope - The Narrative
All media sources in Canada deliver a daily bombardment of one message to our children. They say, “You are doomed and there is no way for you to escape the consequences of growing militarism worldwide and an environmental crisis that has permanently affected the weather systems and conditions of the entire Earth. These things are coming to get you and you cannot escape.”
Television, radio, Internet, all news sources, songs, poetry, essays, books, movies, documentaries, newspapers, magazines – they all agree that there is no hope and no escape from the impending Doom they describe.
Summary – the dominant narrative in the data flow is “there is no hope”
Educators in our schools tell the same grim story while requiring our children to be calm and responsible and quiet. But these are remarkable children and they believe correctly that they can help develop and implement solutions that can stave off this doomsday Vision.
These young people generally have little knowledge of history and therefore cannot know that humanity has tottered on the brink of self destruction numerous times. At those times people of ability and goodwill have appeared to help sort out the crises. All they hear is that there is no real hope.
Young people have a facility with new technologies that their parents can never achieve and these technologies are essential for the transition to a new futuristic human culture that implements “Sustainability in all things.” We need to implement new media and Internet technologies and let our children teach us how to use them effectively.
Media pundits do not do the Math and conclude that this is the case – that we are DOOMED! But fortunately we have forced our children to attend schools where they are required to learn to read and listen and calculate with Maths and Sciences.
They do the Math and realize that they are in deep trouble and their powers of Reason tell them that that no grownups seem to be doing anything seriously effective to address this Global Crisis. They see that this Crisis is unprecedented and of historic proportions.
They take in the daily dominant social narrative and they are in despair for the grown-up population seems to see no real need to envision a hopeful and lasting future. The grown-ups only seek to further compromise the environment and intensify their economic dependence upon militarism.
There is no hope in any of this for a generation of young people. I offer something different and something realistic and achievable. I offer to empower young people so they can have a hand in finding and implementing solutions.
Little children understand ALL of this. But our governments do not yet grasp the magnitude of the challenge and the injustice being perpetrated against children in the midst of all of this. Neither does our Prime Minister understand the nature of the challenge and so he ignores the need for urgent solutions.
Children are stripped of their human and civil rights in Canada and have no real humanity under law. This is causing widespread social problems which are being blamed on young people and addressed with punishment and further abuse.
At the same time someone has observed that, “This is the first generation in human history when parents must turn to their children in order to learn the skills necessary for survival.”
Teachers and schools must also seek instruction from and involvement of these children in retooling our schools to meet the needs of the 21st Century.
Summary – children have the abilities needed to deal with these challenges in their early adaptation to digital technologies
Modern and relevant public education is critical for our survival and success. The revolution in public education is already underway and our systems will soon be fitted to serve our needs. This is already happening along with many other components of this Plan which have been launched in the course of the last five or six years. This is further cause for us to be hopeful.
My own perspective is different from the one we get from the Data Flow. I believe that there is a way through this Crisis and through the fire to a place of peace and hope and health and survival and success for Canada and Canadians of all ages.
It is this perspective that I want to share and enlarge upon for Canadians and I want to be a part of the team that oversees the introduction of the solutions we need...and we need them promptly as the Crisis grows when it is not shrinking.
I know that we can help shape the world into a place that is sustainable and that we can turn back some of the critical damage that has been done to the Earth's Eco-system. We can also sow seeds of peace like no other nation ever has. We invented international peace keeping and are known for our peaceful society and culture.
I can see a safe way forward to a hopeful future and I want to share that vision with all Canadians and help implement it in all sectors of our nation and society. In fact I have been sharing this national vision with thousands of Canadians for over five years now and more embrace it every day.
Summary - There is a safe way through this Crisis
The Vision has already begun to take form and substance and is gaining in momentum as people feel the hope that it delivers. This Hope changes their life and their perspective and provides inspiration and direction and clarity for many.
Once people see what I'm getting at then their own creative imagination begins to act and make pieces of the new world we must build – The Canadian Dream. Some of those people have urged me to write this book so we can share this Hope with all Canadians.
I know that we can use our democratic methods, values, institutions and processes to meet and serve the needs of Canadians first - and then all of humanity as we reach out with the tools needed to resuscitate the human family and renew our civilization. In this way there can be a renewed hope for the People and meaningful goals that carry us two hundred years into the future.
So I want to share my story with you and my perspective so you can also have Hope and share it with your family, friends, neighbours, communities, governments, people of other nations and those who struggle in our midst here in Canada.
My plan and purpose is to deliver Hope to all Canadians and then to persuade them to share that hope effectively with all people everywhere as quickly and efficiently as we are able.
This seems to be the only way we can survive and succeed – by regarding all people as our family and fellow citizens and by persuading them to adopt the methods we have tested and found effective in Canada – Canadian Culture.
Summary - Justice with Compassion will help us to survive and succeed in the 21st Century.
Core Principles in the Wealthy Society
I believe that there are a few Core Principles that we must embrace if we hope to Survive and Succeed in the coming hundred years.
1 - The First Principle is - Sustainability in all things.
We need to make all of our decisions and actions Sustainable in the larger sense of contributing to the ongoing life of humanity on Planet Earth and the restoration of the Earth's eco-system.
To conserve and be economical on a micro level is by far the best in policy and action. My Dad said, "If you look after your pennies then your dollars will look after themselves." Small acts of environmentalism add up quickly.
We need new mechanisms that permit us to achieve this easily, quickly and inexpensively. Wealth will come as a by-product of responsible action - with good and meritorious associations attached - Environmental Virtue.
This is actually a simple problem. If we destroy and use up everything then there will be nothing left.
2 - The Second Principle is - Success with Less.
We have to learn to do far more with far less. Many already do it and it's easy to learn. Once learned it eases the pangs of conscience that accompany waste and haste to destroy in the modern economy of disrespect for the Earth and People.
3 - The Third Principle is - Justice with Compassion.
We badly need to act Justly towards others and in keeping with our own national and personal Core Values as Canadians - Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Equality under Law, Open Democratic Society.
Our national character also requires that we be compassionate - Justice WITH Compassion.
In the Wealthy Society of the 21st Century Canada will flourish and lead if we embrace these simple Principles for responsible global citizenship.
All Canadians can help with this new challenge that confronts us as a nation - one act of peaceful generosity @ a time. Together we CAN overcome The Crisis.
Canada first. Then the world.