Delivering Hope - Canada in the 21st Century
Practical steps for Survival and Success in the 21st Century
Delivering Hope
I think we have an important role to play in the wider world where our kind of hopeful optimism and our practical problem solving abilities are much needed and in short supply.
Core Principles
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Blind Man Sees - Chapter Ten
About Me – Why Am I Doing This? - Chapter Nine
So he taught me to read and write and recommended many good books to me – from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich when I was ten to the Iliad and Odyssey the next year, as well as Webster's Dictionary and an encyclopedia set. He helped me to join the public library and then set me loose to read almost the entire collection in that small isolated northern Ontario community.
Why It Matters - Chapter Eight
Canadians are seeing that they can make a difference and help shape a hopeful future for our children. We CAN do this together. I'm constantly surrounded by amazing Canadians who ARE doing it already - doing things I could never have imagined. We simply need the others to join us.
If we do not do it no one will. According to my estimates no one else can do it. It's up to us - here - now. I have no doubt about our ability and I continue to urge our collective Will and willingness forward in the face of risky odds. But there are no other options. We must go forward and solve the 'Problem' together.
How to do it Democratically - Chapter Seven
If people can be shown that there is hope and how to get from this awkward situation in which we have confined ourselves and into that hopeful and sustainable future they are likely to decide to embrace it for their own various self interests. So I am sharing the vision of how to get there with others at this point.
In fact I GOT this agenda from them. It's Canadian through and through and is placed solidly in a Canadian historic context and with Canadian values and perspectives.
If you're fourteen or older you can help choose and elect the next Prime Minister of Canada by electing the next Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada - 'The Party of Canadians for Canadians'. Go here and sign up as a Supporter -
My Harper said that when he's finished with Canada you won't recognize it. This is because he's trying to make it look like George Bush's America. And he's succeeding as you can see by looking at this blog post - What Stephen Harper Hates about Canada and Canadians.
I say that when I'm finished with Canada you WILL recognize it. It will be that place you have dreamed about individually and collectively and have described in this nations public discourse over the past several years – on television, on CPAC, in books, magazines, on the radio, in schools of all kinds and everywhere we go. I was listening with great interest and have communicated with many Canadians about the issues that move you.
Timetables & Motivations - Urgency - Chapter Six
This is NOT the legacy we want to leave for our children - a world of fear and filth and futility. We want them to have Hope.
"Together we are strong!"
Solutions - Chapter Five
We also need to learn how to do far more with far less. "Success with less."
We need to learn to share...fairly...and to act justly and kindly towards our neighbours. "Justice with Compassion."
We need to clean up the Earth - water, air and soil. Example
We have been blessed with a peaceful society and we need to share that lifestyle with others so we can all be safer. We can teach peace or study war. The choice is ours.
Peace and Sustainability or Death - Chapter Four
If we extrapolate the current growth rates of militarism worldwide and we calculate the cumulative harm being done to the Earth's environment and life sustaining capabilities, then it becomes apparent that we are faced with a very awkward set of prospects - scary Math.
There appears little or no hope of surviving if we humans continue to pursue these ends with these means. Destruction seems the only result under these conditions. Add to this the fact that the factor of harm grows in speed and complexity with every passing year.
It all looks pretty scary to the young television audiences and the Internet users and all who have information about this growing threat.
I propose that we test another strategy, a different approach which I will call scientific for now. Science attempts to get at truth and we need lots of truth if we are to succeed and survive.
While ideologies and visions of despair pronounce our doom, Science and Math point a way through the Storm to a hopeful future.